Our “Trooper Spotlight” for August 2018 is Austin Hammett.
Lets get to know Austin.
When did you join the 501st and why?
“March 2016. I joined after seeing the Legion at Steel City Con. I was a volunteer fireman for almost 10 years. I gave that up after my wife and I moved out of the area I was in for so long. I wanted to find something that would allow me to again give back to the community. With my love of Star Wars, the 501st just made sense to me.”
What was your first costume you got approved in?
“Imperial Bridge Crewman”
How many costumes have you been approved in or do you own now?
Do you have a favorite event you’ve done or special memory you’d like to share?
“I love doing ReplayFX every year! I only get to troop 1-2 times a year but this one is ALWAYS on my schedule! “
What do you do for a living?
“Sales for Comcast”
What are some other things you like to do outside of the 501st?
“I love collecting Star Wars autographs! “
Who is your favorite Star Wars character?
“Obi-Wan Kenobi”
Other than Star Wars, what other fandoms do you like?
“Star Trek”
Do you have any advice for potential new members or our newest members?
“Enjoy every second of being a trooper. We have the opportunity to do something amazing with the blessing of Lucasfilm. Star Wars has the best fanbase in the world and we get to bring those movies to life for so many. Being a part of this organization, whether you troop once a year or every week, its all amazing!”