Trooper of the Month is someone who did any or all of these things in the Month for which they were nominated / won:
- Made accomplishments that month that benefited the 501st Legion or a local unit
- Organized a Legion / Community event
- Participated instrumentally in said event
- Made special contributions that month
- Went above and beyond the call of duty
- Spends time and effort maintaining aspects of the greater Legion
Q2 April-June 2024
Crew of the Quarter
Kevin Weir, Heather Weir, Jason Cratty, Nathaniel Goda, Meghan Goda, Kurt Greenwald, Stephen Cooper, Ari Stone, Todd King, Cora Getgen, Joshua Surkosky, Bryan Koerner, Cait Rickard, Tim Miller, Jenna Miller, Radu Plucinsky, Josh Curry, Greg Geibel, Patrick Sutton, Courtney Cratty, and Michael Dudash.

March 2024
Tom Twohig II

June 2021
Trooper of the Year 2021

May 2021
Heather Baker

September 2019
Gina Platzer

March 2019
Jim Platzer