Forum Access Request This is a form for new applicants to request access to the Starkiller Garrison and Ghost Base forums. “We would be honored…if you would join us.”, Darth VaderPlease enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *FirstLastE-mail *City *State *PennsylvaniaOther (Please Explain in Comments)What villainous costume from the Star Wars universe are you interested in making? *See a full list of 501st approvable costumes at you over the age of 18? *YesNo501st Legion requires all members to be over the age of 18.Date of Birth *mm/dd/yyyyPreferred method of communication *ForumsFacebookEmailIf Facebook, please provide us with the link to your profile. Where did you learn about Starkiller Garrison / The 501st Legion?If you talked to someone at a con or other event about joining, who was it? Comment or MessageThe process to validate and grant forum access can take 24-48 hours to complete. If you have not received credentials after that time, AFTER you have checked your spam folder, please email for helpEmailSubmit NOTE: The process to validate and grant forum access can take 24-48 hours to complete. If you have not received credentials after that time, AFTER you have checked your spam folder, please email for help.